Imperial College London


Faculty of MedicineSchool of Public Health

Senior Lecturer



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Uren.1017BSir Michael Uren HubWhite City Campus





Dr Ian Mudway is a senior lecturer in the School of Public Health at Imperial, a member of the MRC Centre for Environment and Health; MRC & Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma and the NIHR-PHE Health Protection Research Units in Environmental Exposures and Health and Chemical and Radiation Threats and Hazards.

He has over 25 years of experience researching the impacts of air pollution on human health and in the development of assays to quantify the toxicity of the chemical cocktails that pollute the air we breathe. Over this period Dr Mudway has published over 100 research papers, reports and book chapters on these topics, as well as providing advice to the local, national and international governments and NGOs. Dr Mudway is passionate about the communication of science to lay audiences and has worked extensively with artists and educationalist to promote the public understanding of the risks associated with environmental pollutants. Currently his work is focused on understanding early life impacts of pollutants on the development of the lung and cognitive function in children living within urban populations, as well as  furthering our fundamental understanding of the mechanisms that drive these adverse effects and modify an individual’s susceptibility to air pollution.

Key Leadership Roles:

Team Lead of the  Environmental Toxicology Group within the Environmental Research Group.

King’s College arm of the MRC Centre for Environment & Health, and sit on the ERG management board, which reviews and plans research, finance and strategy.

Lead the MRC Centre’s outreach and dissemination activities and act as the co-lead for PPI/E for the NIHR-HPRU in the Health Impact of Environmental Hazards.

Member of the strategic management board of the MRC Centre for Environment and Health.

Member of the senior management team that secured the Environmental Hazards NIHRHPRU and now I lead the 'Neurocognitive & behavioural impacts of traffic derived pollutants in children' theme within the Unit.

Mentor for two of the MRC Centre’s Rutherford Fellows: Dr’s Liza Selley (MRC Tox unit; MRCCEH) and Stephanie Wright (MRC CEH; MRC Tox Unit)

Faculty of Life Science and Medicine London Champion with responsibility for the delivery of the college London strategic objectives.

Teaching and Supervision:

Sub Board Assessment Chair for Biochemistry 2015-2019

Undergraduate: Module lead for Tissue Pathology (2nd year module, 100 plus students/year, 5BBB0206), from 2010-2018;

Co-lead for Redox Biology in Human Disease (3rd year module, 6BBB0395, 30 student per year);

Skills for Biosciences (4BBY1050): poster and presentation assessments.

Library project in biochemistry (6BBB0306): 2-3 students per year 2007-18.

Extended research project in molecular sciences (6BBB0313): 1-2 students per year 2007-18.

Experimental Project in Anatomy, Developmental and Human Biology (6BBA3261): 1 student per year 2016-2018.

Forensic Genetics and Toxicology (6BBF0300), 3 lectures. Selected Study 2

Component library projects (MBBS2): 2-3 students per year 2010-2016/19. MSc, Global Air Pollution & Health: Management and Science, 6 lectures per year.

PhD Supervision:

Glencross, D (PhD candidate – 1st year): Investigating the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor as the Molecular Pivot Regulating Inflammatory Responses to Air Pollution. Asthma UK studentship.

Ho T-R (PhD candidate – 4th year): Effects of particulate matter on the immune system. Selffunded student. 

Enlo-Scott, Z. (PhD candidate – 2nd year): Understanding respiratory transepithelial bioavailability and comparative toxicology for human exposure assessments.

Dr Frolich, A. MD (PhD candidate – 2nd year, Umeå University, Sweden): Role of cellular ageing, oxidative stress and metal homeostasis in disease activity and severity in COPD. 



Li X, He A, Cao Y, et al., 2024, Exposure risks of lead and other metals to humans: A consideration of specific size fraction and methodology., J Hazard Mater, Vol:469

Dong J, Li X, Kelly FJ, et al., 2024, Lead exposure in Chinese children: urbanization lowers children's blood lead levels (BLLs), Science of the Total Environment, Vol:923, ISSN:0048-9697

Hajmohammadi H, Talaei M, Fecht D, et al., 2024, Long-term air pollution exposure and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection: A UK-wide cohort study., Respir Med, Vol:224

Faherty T, Badri H, Hu D, et al., 2024, HIPTox-Hazard Identification Platform to Assess the Health Impacts from Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutant Exposures, through Mechanistic Toxicology: A Single-Centre Double-Blind Human Exposure Trial Protocol., Int J Environ Res Public Health, Vol:21

Friberg M, Behndig AF, Bosson JA, et al., 2023, Human exposure to diesel exhaust induces CYP1A1 expression and AhR activation without a coordinated antioxidant response, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Vol:20, ISSN:1743-8977

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